Hygiene skills

Ways to have good and health hygeine.

If you do ur hygeine then you would be consider to be healthy and clean.But so things you could do to help you hygeine is like the top one TAKE A SHOWER and even WEAR DEODORANT.There are lots of products you can uses like shampoo and conditiner and deoderante a toothbrush and some tooth paste.There is alot more but like you need to do thoses things like you dont want to go out in the public and be smelly and then someone talking about you or laughing it would be pretty embarrising.If someone went in to the public and did that.I mean all it takes to take a shower is body wash and some shammpoo and condiner and extra stuff if you uses oils for your hair or body scrub.Also you could shave to.Theirs alot of things you can do to be nice and clean and healthy.Also some people do skin care routine.


If you shower and clean your body correctly.It would help your hygeine alot.Like all you need is some water and soap.Its not that hard.Say you are going somewere your going to sweat and then get stinky.There is also more things then that.It means you going to have to take a shower.If you cant smell your self and then other people start smelling you then there going to make fun of you.All you need is some Body wash dont matter what kind.Your going to need shampoo and you can uses condinter if you want to.I mean you can uses it to help get out knots and make your hait smoother.I like to uses shampoo and conditanior from svaue and uses hair oil for my hair to make it look good and smell good.JUST TAKE A SHOWER IT IS VERY IMPORTANT IN HYGEINE.

Brushing your teeth

If you brush your teeth at least 1 or 2 or even 3 times a day that would help your hygeine out to.For you dont get any problems with your mouth like cold sores or absebst teeth or rottenteeth.You dont want any of that.If you dont brush your teeth it could lead up to alot of damage to your mouth as well.You probably want your mouth to smell good and to have some pretty white teeth and straight teeth to.


If you constantly put on deodorant then you want smell as bad when you sweat.Causes I know for a fact everyone sweats while doing something.Its pretty normal.If you at least get some kind of deodorant and put it on then no woupd have to smell you causes some people be smelling like an onion.Like I like to uses Mens Deodorant causes thats the only kind that works and last for a good amount of time.So you could get deodorant from the dollar tree if you dont have any and wear it.If you wear deodorant then that will help your hygeine out to.


If you take some vitamins that would help your health and ammuin sytems for not getting sick easily.If you eat or drink something with vitamins in it.Like sometimes we eat and drink stuff with vitamins in it and dont even know it.It helps your body alot.Like you can do mostly anything and a vitamin wont change it.There are many different kinds of vitamins.It okay and really good of you to take viamins for your health.

Extra things for hygeine

You could brush your hair and make it look decent.If you do skin care routians then thoses are very good to for no acnece.Also shaving is very good for your not looking like a monkey.If you do mostly everything for hygeine.Like your in high school and adults and children.So we should all know what to do for hygeine and our health.